Milestone Progress Update 6/25/21
Milestones completed between 6/14/21-6/25/21:
Returning Device QA CCR
Returning Device QA CSM
Summer School Device Prep
In Progress:
GAdmin User Cleanup (75% complete)
Dungeon Inventory (28% complete)
Server Room Upgrades CCR( 20% complete)
RMA(75% complete)
Device Label Printing
Projects Starting Next Week:
Chromebook Inventory
Lab Teardown
Server Room Upgrades CSM
GAdmin Device Cleanup
Device Check-In
Summer Project Planning 4/24/2021
NEW Scholar Device Pick-up
CSM Grades 3rd-7th Device Distribution 02/02/21-02/05/21:
Data on the 2020/2021 student device checkout project.
02/02: 69
02/03: 49
02/04: 26
02/05: 60
Total : 206
NEW Staff Device Pick-up
X1 Deployment
Data on the teacher checkout project worked on over the last 2 weeks.
Picked Up: Gen Ed Staff
33/49 = 67.35%
16/49 = 32.65 %
Click here for list of staff members who still need to pick up.
​Scheduled but No Show -
Impact User's w/o X1
Picked Up: Gen ED
44/47​ - 93.62 %
- Remaining:
3/49 = 6.38 %
Click here for list of staff members who still need to pick up
​ -
Impact User's w/o X1
​ CCR:
Picked Up: Gen Ed Staff
11/35 = 31.43 %
Click here for list of staff members who still need to pick up
​ -
​Scheduled but No Show
2/54 = 3.7 %
Impact User's w/o X1
​ Admin:
- Picked Up
8/15 = 53.33 %​
7/15 = 46.67 % ​​
Link to primary data: Here​
Overview: Timeline X1
- 04/24/21 - Summer Project Planning
- 02/02/21 - New Scholar Device Pickup
01/19/21 - New Staff Device Pickup
09/09/20 - Beginning of 2020/2021 School Year
Professional Development and Support
Professional Development and Support:
PD on Google Classroom/Google Meet/Teams (our main learning management systems)
PD on Google extensions and alternative tools (tools to be more effective in the classroom)
PD on Lightspeed Relay (tool to manage scholar devices during their use remotely)
PD on Clever, FastBridge, Illuminate, Kami
Both schools creating Family portal to help families maneuver through remote learning
Daily tech office hours to answer questions and troubleshoot for teachers
system used to streamline the log in to instructional programs and resources for both scholars and staff.
allows scholars to click and enter quickly into tools and programs
Rosters are already synced to the appropriate teacher, any changes made are automatic
Both elementary schools are using to screen scholars
Results will identify gaps and which scholars need additional support (MTSS)
Progress Monitoring tools
Lightspeed Relay:
Relay Classroom is a tool to help facilitate and manage your students’ Internet activity during class. With Relay Classroom, you can monitor web traffic, respond to the students who need help, and so much more.
Teachers can see and control what Scholars are looking at and are able to control using focus mode.
3cx Phone System:
Every teacher is now given an extension to call from home using our internal 3cx system
Every call that is made now goes through Main number for each campus.
Digital receptionist has been turned on so parents can call back to the extension if needed
Mobile phone apps have also been added.
E-Learning 2020/2021:
Last quarter of year 2019-2020 allowed us to prepare for the upcoming year but there were a few unknown issues that made us change our trajectory.
Devices were not returned on time that resulted in delay
New device procurement due to China/ US trade issues.
Overwhelming amount of trouble tickets that backed-up tech staff for over 72 hrs for the first 3 days.
Parents limited knowledge of devices and technology.
Methods of contacting.
What are we doing next
Hired one more staff member
Proactive calling to each parent who need support and to do a health check on our devices.
Open (physical) hours for parents from 8-9 and 5-6 (virtual hours)
Tech Virtual hours for teachers as well as weekly virtual PD on a topic of choice.
Utilizing our robust Knowledgebase to support faster using AI.